Salt River Schools is part of a new initiative called Safe Routes to School. Along with our partners, we hope to learn more about how students and families get to school and figure out ways the schools and Community can make walking and biking a safer experience for everyone.
We hosted a family information meeting on Thursday, April 28. You can
watch the recording below, which provides an overview of the initiative, findings from a recent review of the roads and sidewalks around SRES and the ECEC, plans already in place for maintenance and repairs, and a general timeline of what's next. We also ask that families
please take this short, anonymous survey. The data we collect with these will help us make decisions about any future plans regarding things like crosswalks, speed bumps, sidewalk maintenance/construction, and more!
Call 480-362-2500 with any questions.
Click here to learn more information about the national Safe Routes to School campaign. This initiative is a partnership between SRPMIC Public Works, Stanley Consultants, Maricopa Association of Governments, and Salt River Schools.