Here is your weekly digest to all things Salt River Schools events! Please refer to our main calendar page (bookmark this!) for more information about these and other events/announcements.
- Today, Dec. 5, is the Salt River Schools Education Board meeting beginning at 5:15 p.m. More information, including how to call-in to the virtual meeting, can be found here. This is the only meeting for the month of December and will feature our fabulous Students (and Families) of the Month!
- Join Santa Claus, Jack Skellington, and the NYCP Literacy for All team at the second annual Reading All the Way event Tuesday, December 6, from 6-8 p.m. in the ALA gymnasium (park in the lot along Highland Avenue south of the football field). The theme for the event is "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and we'll be doing a pajama contest for individuals and families (there are some great prize packs to win)! There will be LOTS of food courtesy of the ECEC and WIC. This event is free and open to the public!
- Wednesday, Dec. 7, is also an Early Release Day for students.
- Thursday, Dec. 8, we have two events:
- Higher Education staff will be available to assist students and families with completing their FSA ID and FAFSA. This event is from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Higher Ed office (Admin building) and is open to all SRPMIC-enrolled seniors who attend any high school. Click here to view the flyer.
- The SRES Winter Ball is open to SRES students and families only and will be hosted in the ALA gymnasium from 6-7:30 p.m.
Next week is our last before Winter Break. Save the date for these events:
- The ECEC Policy Council meets Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 5:30 p.m. in the ECEC Gathering Place (MS Teams option also available). These meetings are open to all ECEC families.
- Thursday, Dec. 15, is the Soda With Security discussion about human trafficking awareness and prevention hosted by the Safe Schools & Security team and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. Dinner will be served! Click here to view the flyer. Soda With Security events are free and open to all!
- Friday, Dec. 16, the ECEC will host a special Winter Wonderland event that will take place inside the classrooms (no snow this year due to ongoing construction projects, but we hear a special guest from the North Pole will also be visiting!). The event is open to ECEC families from 10-11 a.m.
We hope to see you at some of these events. Have a wonderful week!