What's "APP"ening at Salt River Schools?

What's "APP"ening at Salt River Schools?
Posted on 03/29/2018
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Download the Salt River Schools APP!

Aligning our communication systems and engagement efforts across Salt River Schools now includes the Division app for smartphones! 

The Salt River Schools app provides easy, instant mobile access to Division news, events, notifications, lunch menus and social media content, as well as access to the PowerSchool parent portal.

The app is available for FREE through theiTunes App Store for iOS devices and Google Play for Android. For step-by-step instructions on how to download the app to your smartphone, click here


Salt River Schools uses SchoolMessenger for notification services. These “Broadcasts” enhance the Division’s school-to-home communications and allow administrators to send a voice, email, and text message to designated contacts for families.

The majority of these Broadcasts are general announcements and event reminders, and non-emergency in nature. All non-emergency messages are sent to up to two phone numbers and two email addresses that parents/guardians have designated as “Primary” within student registration packets. Emergency Broadcasts are sent to additional phone numbers and email addresses, if parents/guardians have provided them. Duplicate numbers/addresses are flagged by the system to eliminate repeat calls.

Please contact your child's school to ensure we have the best phone number to reach you for both general announcements and emergencies. It is important that parents and emergency contacts do not attempt to contact the school, teachers or their students during an emergency as that could impact everyone’s safety.


The Broadcast system described above has the capability to send text messages to cell phone numbers whose recipients have agreed to receive them.

It's easy! Text "opt-in" to 67587.


Please note: The wireless number(s) you text the short code above MUST be in the SchoolMessenger database associated with a student ID number; these numbers are updated nightly. If a recipient’s SMS Text number is changed, or a new number added, in our student information system database, the new number will automatically be sent an Opt-In message.

Questions? Email Taté Walker, School Communications & PR Director.

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