Special Education Services

In compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and its federal and state regulations, students with disabilities, ages 2 to 21 inclusive, have the right to a free and appropriate public education. A students with a disability means a child evaluated, in accordance with state regulations, and determined, as a result of this evaluation, to have one of the following disabilities and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services:

  • autism
  • deaf-blindness
  • developmental delay
  • hearing impairment including deafness
  • intellectual disability
  • multiple disabilities
  • orthopedic impairment
  • other health impairment
  • emotional disturbance
  • severe disability
  • specific learning disability
  • speech or language impairment
  • traumatic brain injury
  • visual impairment including blindness

For preschoolers, warning signs that may prompt the need to consider evaluation for special education may include (but are not limited to) markedly delayed language, physical, and/or social abilities. If your child has these or other concerns contact Child Find.

For school-age students, significant difficulties with learning may prompt discussions with teachers about the possible need to refer a student to the Student Success Team. For more information about how to refer a child to the Student Success Team, please contact your child’s principal or assistant principal, or call the appropriate ESS Facilitator listed below. 

Click here to view the BIE's Notice of Procedural Safeguards, which outlines "Parent and Child Rights in Special Education Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, and the Bureau of Indian Education."


Alaina Flower
Exceptional Education Director
602-574-0976 (call or text)

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