Year-End Reflections from Superintendent Dr. Louis Laffitte, Jr.
The winter holidays are a perfect time to reflect, appreciate and celebrate the
magnificent things we as a Division have been able to accomplish together. None of it
could have been possible without the amazing students, teachers and staff, families
and Community we appreciate so much here at Salt River Schools.
It’s also a terrific time to look forward and continue to innovate and redefine what’s
possible. It seems like only yesterday we were starting up the 2016-17 school year. As
a Division, we’ve made important strides that will enable us to continue improving for
years to come. We have and will continue to reach out to all our stakeholders—
students, faculty and staff, families, the Board and the Community—to help shape
future plans integral to our success and future growth. Together we are stronger.
I look forward to working hand-in-hand with our Board, administrators, educators and
countless support staff in moving the Division forward toward an environment of
excellence and high achievement for all students.
I send my best wishes to you and yours during this holiday season and into the new
year. I am confident we will return in 2017 refreshed and eager to continue on this
wonderful shared journey.
Dr. Louis Laffitte, Jr.
Salt River Schools